12 research outputs found

    Simuleringsstudie ved bruk av "HeaveLock" for dempning av nedhullssvingninger som følge av hivbevegelser i rig

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    Lett anskaffet olje er i dag allerede produsert. Både nye og modne felt med muligheter finnes, men mange ligger i forhold som gjør dem vanskelig å bore. Det er også en lavere oljepris enn det har vært i lang tid, som resultat av den nåværende verdenssituasjonen, og dette også et insentiv til å øke lønnsomheten i felt. Ved boring i krevende forhold, kan Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD-teknikker) brukes for å unngå trykkrelaterte problemer. Et slikt problem er for eksempel når en flytende rigg må gjøre en forlengelse, altså å forlenge borestrengen. Da blir strengen festet til oljeriggen og eventuell hivbevegelse i riggen gjør at borestrengen fungerer som et stempel i brønnen, og skaper både høye og lave trykk. Riggbevegelser kan da ikke lenger frikoples matematisk fra strengens bevegelser, noe som gjør at konvensjonelle MPD-teknikker ikke kan brukes. Strategien i dag er å vente til at vær og vind er på et tilfredsstillende nivå, for og så gjenoppta driften. HeaveLockprosjektet er et forsøk på å løse dette problemet. HeaveLockaktuatoren er en ventil montert inne i borestrengen, over bitet, med formålet å regulere trykksvingninger i brønnen, spesielt nedihull. Denne avhandlingen er en simuleringstudie av HeaveLock i en oljebrønn. De viktigste parameterne i simulatoren, for funksjonen av HeaveLock når den skal gjøre en forlengelse, er identifisert. En prosedyre for fremgangsmåte er funnet, med en tilfredsstillende regulering av nedihulls trykksvingninger. Alle endringer av parametere som forbedrer prosedyren har derimot sin pris. En mindre nominell HeaveLock åpning krever et høyere pumpetrykk og skaper trykkforstyrrelse ved initialisering og terminering av HeaveLock. Tidsintervaller kan forlenges og skape bedre vilkår i forstyrrelser, men ettersom det er ønskelig å gjøre forlengelsen så effektiv som mulig, blir dette også sett som en ulempe. En forlengelsesprosedyre er imidlertid dokumentert, og viser best mulig konfigurasjon som er funnet i denne avhandlingen. For den aktive perioden av HeaveLock, så kan rundt 70% av nedihulls trykksvingninger dempes, med 3,2 bar og 3,7 bar i nedrampingsforstyrrelse av HeaveLock

    Yuck, This Biscuit Looks Lumpy! Neophobic Levels and Cultural Differences Drive Children’s Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) Descriptions and Preferences for High-Fibre Biscuits

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    Food neophobia influences food choice in school-aged children. However, little is known about how children with different degrees of food neophobia perceive food and to what extent different sensory attributes drive their liking. This paper explores liking and sensory perception of fibre-rich biscuits in school-aged children (n = 509, age 9–12 years) with different degrees of food neophobia and from five different European countries (Finland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom). Children tasted and rated their liking of eight commercial biscuits and performed a Check-All-That-Apply task to describe the samples and further completed a Food Neophobia Scale. Children with a higher degree of neophobia displayed a lower liking for all tasted biscuits (p < 0.001). Cross-cultural differences in liking also appeared (p < 0.001). A negative correlation was found between degree of neophobia and the number of CATA-terms used to describe the samples (r = −0.116, p = 0.009). Penalty analysis showed that degree of food neophobia also affected drivers of biscuit liking, where particularly appearance terms were drivers of disliking for neophobic children. Cross-cultural differences in drivers of liking and disliking were particularly salient for texture attributes. Further research should explore if optimizing appearance attributes could be a way to increase liking of fibre-rich foods in neophobic children

    Yuck, This Biscuit Looks Lumpy! Neophobic Levels and Cultural Differences Drive Children's Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) Descriptions and Preferences for High-Fibre Biscuits

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    Food neophobia influences food choice in school-aged children. However, little is known about how children with different degrees of food neophobia perceive food and to what extent different sensory attributes drive their liking. This paper explores liking and sensory perception of fibre-rich biscuits in school-aged children (n = 509, age 9-12 years) with different degrees of food neophobia and from five different European countries (Finland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom). Children tasted and rated their liking of eight commercial biscuits and performed a Check-All-That-Apply task to describe the samples and further completed a Food Neophobia Scale. Children with a higher degree of neophobia displayed a lower liking for all tasted biscuits (p < 0.001). Cross-cultural differences in liking also appeared (p < 0.001). A negative correlation was found between degree of neophobia and the number of CATA-terms used to describe the samples (r = -0.116, p = 0.009). Penalty analysis showed that degree of food neophobia also affected drivers of biscuit liking, where particularly appearance terms were drivers of disliking for neophobic children. Cross-cultural differences in drivers of liking and disliking were particularly salient for texture attributes. Further research should explore if optimizing appearance attributes could be a way to increase liking of fibre-rich foods in neophobic children

    Intake of Fibre-Associated Foods and Texture Preferences in Relation to Weight Status Among 9-12 Years Old Children in 6 European Countries

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    Plant foods, rich in fibre, can offer textures that children find difficult to orally manipulate, resulting in low preferences but are important for a healthy diet and prevention of overweight in children. Our aim was to investigate preferences for food texture, intake of fibre-associated foods and the relation to BMI. Three hundred thirty European children (9-12 years, 54% female) indicated their texture preferences using the Child-Food-Texture-Preference- Questionnaire (CFTPQ), and their parents responded on fibre-associated food consumption and anthropometric information. BMI was significantly lower for children with higher intake of wholegrain alternatives of common foods; in addition to being significantly influenced by country and the wearing of a dental brace. Overall BMI-for-age-percentiles (BMI_pct) were negatively associated with the consumption of wholegrain cereals, white pasta and wholemeal products and positively associated with the intake of legumes and white biscuits. In males, BMI_pct were negatively associated with wholegrain products and dried fruits, and in females, positively with legume consumption. A few country-related associations were found for BMI_pct and wholegrain biscuits, seeds and nuts and refined products. No overall correlation was found between BMI_pct and the texture preference of soft/hard foods by CFTPQ, except in Austria. We conclude that this study revealed evidence of a connection between fibre-associated foods and children's BMI at a cross-cultural level and that sex is an important determinant of fibre-associated food intake and the development of overweight in childhood

    Tukiorganisaation merkitys esimiehille muutostilanteessa

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    Informaatioajan organisaatioilta vaaditaan muutoskykyä selviytyäkseen markkinoilla kovassa kilpailussa. Usein organisaation muutos tarkoittaa myös henkilöstövähennyksiä, joiden aikana johto ja erityisesti esimiehet joutuvat suurennuslasin alle kaikessa toiminnassaan. Organisaatiot pyrkivät auttamaan muutostilanteista selviämistä järjestämällä usein erilaisia valmennuksia ja rakentamalla muita tukijärjestelmiä sekä esimiehille että muutoksen kohteena oleville. Opinnäytetyössä keskitytään vuosina 2012 – 2015 tehtävään Puolustusvoimauudistuksen tukiorganisaation toimintaan ja muutoksen avainhenkilöihin. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin tukiorganisaation merkitystä esimiehille, tukiorganisaation toimijoiden osaamisen tasoa sekä sitä miten tukiorganisaation toimintaa tulisi kehittää. Lisäksi selvitettiin millaisia haasteita esimiehet kokevat muutostilanteissa. Tutkimus tehtiin toimintatutkimuksena sisältäen kaksi lomakekyselyä vuoden ajanjaksolla. Kyselyt suoritettiin osana tukiorganisaation koulutus- ja valmennustoimintaa yhteensä kuuden tilaisuuden yhteydessä. Vastaukset käsiteltiin ja analysoitiin SPSS-tilasto-ohjelmalla. Lomakekyselyillä saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että tukiorganisaatiolla ja sen toimijoilla on suuri merkitys paitsi esimiehille myös koko muutosprosessin onnistumiselle. Vaikka tukiorganisaation toimijoilta vaaditaan tiettyä osaamista sekä henkilökohtaisia ominaisuuksia ja henkilöstö- ja tukikoordinaattorit toimivat tehtävissään ensimmäistä kertaa, arvioitiin heidän taitonsa ja tietonsa korkealle tasolle. Tukiorganisaation halutaan myös jatkossa järjestävän koulutus- ja valmennustilaisuuksia muun muassa haastavien tilanteiden hoitamisesta ja käsittelystä, työyhteisön kehittämisestä sekä esimiestyöstä. Suurimmiksi haasteiksi muutostilanteessa esimiehet kokivat ajankäytön ja tehtävien järjestelyn, tarvittavan tiedon saamisen, itse viestin välittämisen sekä ihmisten kohtaamisen.Organizations in the information age are required to possess the ability to change in order to survive in the fierce competition in the market. Often, organizational change also means staff reductions, during which leadership and, in particular managers are under a magnifying glass in all their actions. The organizations seek to help their managers and employees coping with the change situations by organizing a variety of training sessions and by building organizational support systems. The focus of the present master’s thesis is on the support organization and the key personnel of the ongoing change in the Finnish Defense Forces 2012 - 2015. The present study discusses the importance of the support organization to the managers, the level of competence of the key personnel in the support organization and how the support organization activities should be further developed. In addition, the study explores the challenges the managers face in the change situations. The study was conducted as an action research including two questionnaires within a period of one year. The surveys were conducted as a part of the training program implemented in the support organization during six different training sessions. The answers were processed and analyzed with the SPSS-statistics program. Based on the results of the questionnaires it can be concluded that the support organization and its personnel are very important to the managers in change situations and also play an important role in ensuring a successful change process. Despite the competence demands set to the personnel of the support organization and the fact that they were doing that kind of work for the first time, their skills and competences were estimated to be on a high level. There will be high demand for different training sessions arranged by the support organization also in the future. The topics for which more training is desired are: dealing with challenging situations, workplace development and management. The biggest challenges for the managers in change situations are time and task management, obtaining the needed information, delivering the message and encountering the people who are subject to change

    Simuleringsstudie ved bruk av "HeaveLock" for dempning av nedhullssvingninger som følge av hivbevegelser i rig

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    Lett anskaffet olje er i dag allerede produsert. Både nye og modne felt med muligheter finnes, men mange ligger i forhold som gjør dem vanskelig å bore. Det er også en lavere oljepris enn det har vært i lang tid, som resultat av den nåværende verdenssituasjonen, og dette også et insentiv til å øke lønnsomheten i felt. Ved boring i krevende forhold, kan Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD-teknikker) brukes for å unngå trykkrelaterte problemer. Et slikt problem er for eksempel når en flytende rigg må gjøre en forlengelse, altså å forlenge borestrengen. Da blir strengen festet til oljeriggen og eventuell hivbevegelse i riggen gjør at borestrengen fungerer som et stempel i brønnen, og skaper både høye og lave trykk. Riggbevegelser kan da ikke lenger frikoples matematisk fra strengens bevegelser, noe som gjør at konvensjonelle MPD-teknikker ikke kan brukes. Strategien i dag er å vente til at vær og vind er på et tilfredsstillende nivå, for og så gjenoppta driften. HeaveLockprosjektet er et forsøk på å løse dette problemet. HeaveLockaktuatoren er en ventil montert inne i borestrengen, over bitet, med formålet å regulere trykksvingninger i brønnen, spesielt nedihull. Denne avhandlingen er en simuleringstudie av HeaveLock i en oljebrønn. De viktigste parameterne i simulatoren, for funksjonen av HeaveLock når den skal gjøre en forlengelse, er identifisert. En prosedyre for fremgangsmåte er funnet, med en tilfredsstillende regulering av nedihulls trykksvingninger. Alle endringer av parametere som forbedrer prosedyren har derimot sin pris. En mindre nominell HeaveLock åpning krever et høyere pumpetrykk og skaper trykkforstyrrelse ved initialisering og terminering av HeaveLock. Tidsintervaller kan forlenges og skape bedre vilkår i forstyrrelser, men ettersom det er ønskelig å gjøre forlengelsen så effektiv som mulig, blir dette også sett som en ulempe. En forlengelsesprosedyre er imidlertid dokumentert, og viser best mulig konfigurasjon som er funnet i denne avhandlingen. For den aktive perioden av HeaveLock, så kan rundt 70% av nedihulls trykksvingninger dempes, med 3,2 bar og 3,7 bar i nedrampingsforstyrrelse av HeaveLock

    Intake of Fibre-Associated Foods and Texture Preferences in Relation to Weight Status Among 9-12 Years Old Children in 6 European Countries

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    Plant foods, rich in fibre, can offer textures that children find difficult to orally manipulate, resulting in low preferences but are important for a healthy diet and prevention of overweight in children. Our aim was to investigate preferences for food texture, intake of fibre-associated foods and the relation to BMI. Three hundred thirty European children (9-12 years, 54% female) indicated their texture preferences using the Child-Food-Texture-Preference- Questionnaire (CFTPQ), and their parents responded on fibre-associated food consumption and anthropometric information. BMI was significantly lower for children with higher intake of wholegrain alternatives of common foods; in addition to being significantly influenced by country and the wearing of a dental brace. Overall BMI-for-age-percentiles (BMI_pct) were negatively associated with the consumption of wholegrain cereals, white pasta and wholemeal products and positively associated with the intake of legumes and white biscuits. In males, BMI_pct were negatively associated with wholegrain products and dried fruits, and in females, positively with legume consumption. A few country-related associations were found for BMI_pct and wholegrain biscuits, seeds and nuts and refined products. No overall correlation was found between BMI_pct and the texture preference of soft/hard foods by CFTPQ, except in Austria. We conclude that this study revealed evidence of a connection between fibre-associated foods and children's BMI at a cross-cultural level and that sex is an important determinant of fibre-associated food intake and the development of overweight in childhood.Peer reviewe

    Kris i naturen – vår existens har blivit sårbar

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    Fler arter än någonsin i mänsklighetens historia hotas av utrotning och den biologiska mångfalden lokalt har förändrats kraftigt i en stor del av världens ekosystem. Grundläggande förändringar behövs både i samhället och för individer, för att bromsa den negativa trenden, skriver en rad debattörer